Author Topic: how one becomes a scammer, by michal pratt  (Read 4673 times)

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how one becomes a scammer, by michal pratt
« on: March 04, 2009, 10:06:05 PM »
Well lets take a history lesson shall we?

I'm going to go as way back to 2003..............................

Little ole mikey, was ummmm like 18 yrs old... Was a member of like a bunch of ptr sites and traffic exchanges, took 3 yrs to get paid by something online, he finally found exitcashflow the very first program! THAT PAID ME! YES ME! A whole whopping 10 buckeroos!
and some change...

Later on, that year, mikey was developing corny 2d games around summer time,  mikey got sooooo bored he started to like not build em anymo....... so he found makolinks while surfing up credits at a traffic exchange for ecf and joined right away, got some referrals and got some money put in, then started seeing all kinds of ptc sites launching he joined them all..
Mikey's paypal got frozen for 10 months YIKES....
Mikey got paid like $112 within that time frame, and wanted a ptc of his own! He contacted every single ptc owner there ...
Mikey found someone who was willing to sell to him for $80 in 2004, and he was all ready to do it and all, and the dude never got back with mikey and then little mikey got an email from and they said they now have 50% off if little mikey is still interested, and little mikey says yes i is i want my right now PLEASE!! So I paideded him like $54.99 for it including the 4.99 hosting, and then 5 hrs later it was all set up and designed. THEN 2005 came around and I was working with ACDHostingandDesign as an off side partner we purchased resell rights for the mako script from the creator scott klarr.
Then I started setting up the sites and shit and then he'd host them and all that stuff, and design would be made and blah blah blah... I didn't like the way things were being handled and I was being used, and needed to spread my wings and fly away and be on my own so i could expand my biz. His prices on hosting were costing me too much and I had a bunch of little sites that didnt allow me to make much profit. Then, in June 2005 mark came to me asking me for an upgrade on his mako sites, I had my ex partner upgrade him since I wasn't skilled in that area to do all that, I was also starting out atthe time and was being self taught in everything. Then one day I got shut down thanks to my great friend Evelyn who had some issue with her server, when people knew I moved to her hosting, like instantly as soon as i paid her, I was getting messages from people i had no idea they knew I just jumped to her server, and so many people came out of the wood works, telling me to stay away from her she is bad news, she is the worst person i could ever align myself with, I never met her i never ever knew who she was other than what people had told me i mean this woman had like 200,000 members at the time or previous to that time, and she wouldn't pay them unless she had a dna sample or their first born. She got arrested for stealing credit card info I assume or whatever, I have no idea, or possesion of identity crap i dunno.. never got a straight story, but the woman is or was crooked, she even opened her house to hurricane katrina i think it was or whatever it was back in 05'.... she had purchased a generator and all that stuff so the woman was giving , nice and crooked what a combo...
Then all of a sudden people started comparing me to her.. like wtf... She was big in ptr and i was big in ptc... i wasnt as big as she was but damn i mean i was climbing up to the top rapidly.. i didnt care how i got there as long as i continued to climb and make myself theeee best ptc owner there ever was...
So......ya her $700 server went kapoo-eeeee ... i was sortive out of biz..
Thank gawd i made backups....
Only thing that pissed me off was I had programmed new addons for the mako 3.0 or 5.0 or 4.0 script and i didnt make a backup for it and it took me 3 weeks to program....
Then i got all situated with OGDHosting owner Drew, we went in together and bought ourselves a server towards the end of that yr, i paid more than half of my share and he took the server over, for 2 1/2 maybe 3 yrs we shared the same server...
In 2006 my year of making money has finally arrived!
Not great money but a few hundred a month... But i also didnt have any bills in my name.
I was growing and needed to expand, i opened bestptchosts towards summer time made some goals and asked mark to jump aboard with me now that i knew him exactly 1 year. We accomplished our goals all in that first week, we planned to relax and do nothing on the weekend as a reward, and I'll be damned our weekend was ruined with 3 or 4 problems, our reseller host wanted to close us down and we had another server crash, and we were having a disagreement with some other big dude..
I was still growing, everything was going good, scott sells stormofcash then sells it to a few dudes, then they close it down then i find out who's selling it then i made out a lease arrangement for $7000 i think it was, and bam , got my hands on it 2 days later, zeroed out the balances made like 2-3k off it, turned around and bought dr-click , dr-extreme and dr-paidmails in december on a 2k lease paid it off within 10 months, sold stormofcash shortly after it was paid off for 1.2k i think it was.. Bought the station script later that year from scott for $500, sold about 2 copies, one to morten for 3 site trades for one station script and one to some other guy for 100 bucks... and then We made about 2k off it i guess.... Dr-surf launched in 2007 early 2007 and did fairly well I don't really know if all in all we're in profit from our own sales, and script sales vs the payouts and the $500 payment for the script. It's all egold script so basically it's useless now... Dr-surf expires in few days it would be going on 3 yrs old... but its practically useless now..
Sooooooo around june of 2007 mark's dad dies , i thought itd be a great idea to raise donations so we raised 200 in donations which went towards the funeral, then in october while discussing with scott the new ownership details of Illusive-web and auroragpt script we would have control of everything by november 15 2007, or october 15 i dont really recall those dates now, but on november 14, i started to feel really ill, had terrible odor in my mouth like i had just ate something from taco bell or something really odd that doesnt taste so good, i had a uncomfortable pain on my right side, and then i went and ate at apple bees and then went and financed on a new bed for $612, had hard time getting up and down, got my bed ordered and it was to be delivered on the 17th...... of saturday... Well I get home and im unable to pee or poop, so i struggle over and over, im not in serious pain but its getting extremely uncomfortable... So i started drinking lots of orange juice, bad idea... i started to feel some pain down towards my bladder and on my right side, then on Thursday it started to feel worse so I started sleeping in the chair, then friday morning I ran a fever and fell asleep and it took me like 30 mins to get out of bed, i took 3 laxatives and a fever reducer and finally i was able to poop but still unable to pee, and i was able to get my fever down, by 2am saturday i had had enough i slept on the couch i got up eventually which wasnt easy and i walked to kitchen and drank my orange juice, for 3 days i have not peed.... Soooooo, my grandmother walks in and sees im kind of like hurting i told her i hadnt peed for 3 days and shes like omg we got to get u to hospital dammit mike why didnt u tell me, and she went back to bed and at 6:30 i got my shower and got dressed and that took me 30 mins to get dressed, and then we left and got there little after 6:30 at ER checked in and at 9:30 after my grandmother left, they said my appendix reptured, soooooooooo i asked the doctor ok thats fine but can i have a pill and i can go home and feel better, and he said no it has to come out... im like aw man, so he leaves and of course i thought my grandmother was there, but i had passed out like twice, so i looked over towards the wall trying to grab her hand and she was not there, i told my self this is where my life ends... and surgeon walked in she looked dead ass tired, made her presence known and told me how its gonna work, and then left... i get wheeled in i get put down .... 4 hrs later im in recovery waking up to some lady wiping my face off yelling my name, i wake up and i have this gawd awful dry mouth and then i realize im hooked up to an oxygen mask, i still cant see because i have eye ointment on my eyes and she saw me trying to grab my oxygen mask and she firmly grabs my wrist and says DO NOT REMOVE THAT and i yelled WHY! and she said because both of ur lungs partially collapsed during surgery... WOW.................. ok then the fuckers decided their gonna tell my mom that im not at that hospital, so she goes to different hospital and they tell her im at the hospital she was just at and she starts freaking out and crying and stuff... But anyways i get pulled into icu the next morning on november 18th on a sunday morning, i had a needle poked right into my wrist where the artery is , and the dumb bimbo stuck that needle in and didnt even hit my artery she got a vein and started jabbing it up and down and then starts twirling it and im staring at her friggin forhead hoping a hole will appear and disinegrate what little mind she has left, she pulls it out and says mike made me nervous... ooooooooo.... am i that magical... so she hands that same identical needle to the nurse to my left and she pokes that needle in my wrist and gets the blood she needs  ... im a tough bad ass, so then monday night rolls around and im trying to have a bowel movement well as im tryin to push, my catheter starts to come out and i see urin spraying out in all kinds of directions around the tubing, and its not stopping either, so i told the nurse and she pushed it back in, 4 hrs later i wake up and told her i needed to pee really bad and the bag isnt filling up so she pulled it out and she said unfortunately it looks like u have orange juice pulp clotted around the tip of it where it hooks in the bladder.... o nice.... i could actually see it from where i was laying... Well anyways to make a long story short, i came home 10 days later (which was tooooooo soon) took me 8 days in the hospital to eat regular food, i was there during thanksgiving and threw up gangrene on 4 different occassions. o and i come home to see all kinds of donation sites being built for me because i had no health insurance at the time, and they raised like 700 bucks.... well not one thing was paid off, the payouts were backed up, the lease of 525$ wasn't paid, and some other thing wasn't paid... So we paid out what we could, paid the lease, paid for a server that was past due and i took what was left which wasn't much so i started withdrawing monthly. then about two weeks later i was back in the hospital for panchreas enzymes being twice as high so i was there for 7-9 days..  then christmas night at 11pm i was there and then released at 3am then january 2nd i was put in because i was fatigue and was pale, and wasn't feeling well and my bladder quit at 2am in the middle of the night in the hospital the first night i was there... o ya to make that story short by time i get out of hospital the 4th and final time i see that people are mad about an mnmbux issue, that i had been scamming and people were upset with me because i did some changes while i was home because after i had left due to my surgery i hadn't made one sale during that time frame not one sale, i made 2500 bucks in october on mnmbux, then as soon as i went in the hospital i made 0 0 0 0 0 nothing nada... nothing until earlier january...
so i was the bad guy all of a sudden, i changed payout amount slightly, i changed the fee slightly and people went on an outrage... calling me a scam. I had friends that had decided to turn against me then tell me that i was never in the hospital, i showed proof on number of ocassions my bills and the medical coding codes were verified by a good friend of mine who is an ex ptc owner she said their idiots, i know for a fact that is appedectimy or whatever, according to the coding on your bill in your photo proof. Like duh... She even called the hospital to see if i was ok. They wouldn't let her talk to me though. Not sure how she found out i was at that hospital. She was an emotional wreck I heard.  Then!!!!!!!!!! Of course all the b.s people were giving me , telling me i scam and i was never in the hospital and blah blah they still wont believe what proof is in front of them, they want to believe what they have already made up in what little stupid minds they got left. So it pissed me off and i told them well since u wanna know where the money went it went back to u people for payouts, and the lease and the server, i thought i was doing the right thing, but i guess u people dont appreciate me for what i do. I am honest and always have been. It was so low for these idiots to do that to me. but that was all early 2008 of january, and right around that time, like exactly around that time while all that was going on, we took over clixncash for 3 days. Then we found out from someone that someone knows something that no one else does and it doesn't look good, so I didn't worry about all that much, and to find out next day after we had just made $500 in sales just on clixncash, the owner wanted the site back and wanted us to pay him what the site made, and there was no agreement wat so ever saying we would give the site back to him in any condition, the deal was finalized ect.. sadly enough he pissed me off , but as he talked and talked and said this is my only income and i have a son and i have a girlfriend and i dont have any source of income blah blah he needed me to give the site back to him, i gave in and gave it back to him, even though he didn't hold up his end of the agreement. WHICH SUCKED, i got ripped off, no biggie.
So then the bux era began for us..... We took over some major aurora sites late summer of last yr seven-bux and and they did ok, and then angelbux was given to me because previous owner wasn't getting the ap situated or some crap. Then i surely wasnt making a whole lot so i sold it towards end of last yr, mid summer right around the time i got seven and gotbux Mark got earn3 and extra10 , and then we started making the real dough... I just took my share and did minor programming when ever needed, but i never did any site management for it well not much anyways.. Not too an extent of being an owner. More like a tech for it.  Then October 28th a new era began for us, we finally hit a goldmine that we never thought we could ever reach because it took us sooooooo long to get there, dingobux.... $31,000 in sales.... amazing to us, but its a shame that dingo members and outsiders had to ruin it. Now im just sitting here barely making any money, unable to pay my own bills, i lived a wonderful 3 months with money loaded in my wallet, 10% of the sales to be precise, 11k income all yr for 2008, not bad for working at home online, considering that i only made 3k the previous yr.. I have only made $1200 this yr and its third month... was making 2.2k a month when i had dingo... and month before i had dingo i made  1k.. My bills alone are 900 bucks, and i spend 400 just eating out each month... December 24, i got my credit card, and alertpay hadnt paid me my money soooo, i lived off my credit card, i spent $1300 while i was out of town for 10days... I maxed out my $1200 max limit on my credit card, I paid my sisters post rate for her to move in her new apartment, I bought a wii for $400+ with wii keyboard and wii play bundle, spent over $100 at the excalibur bar and hotel , my cell phone got disconnected so i had to use my credit card because my money still didnt get to the bank because alertpay was starting to piss me off with their issues.
So anyways enough about me and my issues, you people eventually brought up in 2008 that not only did i demand donations (which is a lie because the donations was being collected with out my knowing or consent while i was in the hospital) and you people are so dumb that some of u say my dad died and i demanded donations then... Are you people that stupid? Are you that desperate to make yourselves look so retarded? My dad is alive , Mark's dad died... Duh... pull your heads out of your asses..  And yes im the one that started that donation that donation raised 200 bucks and yes it went towards what it was suppose to.
But earlier this year 2 of my best friends cody and mark are no longer a part of my network. Because you people made me snap because I wasn't bringing in the dough for my family, I wasn't able to withdraw my 10% share when i needed it, and I still could not pay everyone that wanted paid because there was so many of those "free loaders" that i keep hearing about. So i played with u people for a while, added standard pay after i added priority pay, i added request referrals which im slowly redeeming for u all one by one... it just takes time   i have a lot on my plate lol, and then i added a cron that automatically deletes standard members balances every 24 hrs if they become inactive... ya how bout that!!! Free loaders!!! lol.
take my income , my food off my table, screw me over, call me scam, post marks personal info in public without his permission, piss me off  over and over, make threats at me , harrass my mods, hack my members accounts and steal their money. You just remember this this goes for anyone, you rip me off once, i'll rip u off 10 times more.

Get it, got it, good!

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Re: how one becomes a scammer, by michal pratt
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 02:18:36 AM »
Now that's the Mike I know.  But I never saw that posted any where.  That last part about the food off his table and stuff he says all the time.


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