Author Topic: Taketheglobe more delays!  (Read 2909 times)

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Taketheglobe more delays!
« on: February 10, 2009, 04:10:38 PM »
We've run into another major snag while attempting a V2 launch. Because of so many negative postings showing in google our original angel, flaked and bailed :(, We are however talking with another potential thanks to a TTG member who has some big contacts. This is taking some time to negotiate but we're doing our absolute best to keep this from heading south.The V2 script is functional and nearly ready for our layout. All we're waiting on is the funds now to wipe the queue and to finish paying the coder who's created the V2 script so he can impliment it. TTG has made no "income" since November which is understandable however we know that with a queue wipe this will change. To those who've recieved or recieving a check please do not cash them until we post here that it's ready to cash. Today I have a telephone conference with the new angel and he already knows the urgency. There's a process to everything and please refrain from posting any more negatives online or we may not be able to find the funds we need. People should note throughout the history of TTG that I've always kept them up to date. They should note all the major payments we've sent. We're not in this for a scam but V2 IS required to make the site sustainable for a long period. We understand everyone needs to be paid and we're working on this. We're not sleeping, nor resting idly. We're working on the business end of this every single day until we have everything out to you people. Meantime the V1 revision is back and operating. We're quite sorry but we need more time to complete this proper. The potential new angel knows full well what a queue wipe will do for TTG. We're all aware that by wiping the queue, the thousands of success stories will enable us to grow and V2 income will for once outweigh what's going out. Patience is required. We need members to see that we're doing all we can here to get this to you. Just be patient. We're not talking months here. As said V2 IS ready to go. It just needs the layout now and the database conversion. V2 has some new features that V1 doesn't as well such as ref renting and more. Instant payouts for premiums too. We changed our minds on that facet but again that's only for premiums. All we're waiting for is the negotiations now for the funding. We're not stopping our investor search and relying on just one either. We've placed many many ads on all the investment areas over the last month. TTG Can and will be sustainable with all the features such as CPA and more. We just need to overcome this one hurdle first. We thank those that are being patient and supportive and not so much those who're posting all the negatives. When we launch V2 we will scour the internet and all posters that have caused us harm will be paid out and removed permanantly from TTG. We'll update this page with news as soon as we have it.

what a liar he is :D :D

let us share a small part of a chat Blackthursday had with Taketheglobe on june 16, 2008

BlackThursday] 10:46 pm: You've done the calculations?
[TakeTheGlobe] 10:46 pm: Exactly. Yes I've banked my own funds to ensure this. We're talking x,xxx,xxx just to
be sure.
[BlackThursday] 10:46 pm: millions?
[BlackThursday] 10:46 pm: Lol
[TakeTheGlobe] 10:46 pm: more than 1 , less than 3

what happened to his own millions? :D :D

« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 05:34:41 PM by Aurora »