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How To Get Referrals Building Facebook Groups

If you are thinking of starting a Facebook group to get referrals for PTC sites or already have an existing group, here are a few tips on how to make a group on facebook grow fast and get you going viral to effortlessly attract new members and get PTC referrals.

A huge benefit of having your own facebook group is that your group will start to grow faster on its own once you reached 500-1000 members.

You can even create events to invite all of your group members or do surveys and find out what your members really need or what problems do they have.

I have build multiple groups for different topics like PTC, make money online, blogging and more...

Here are some of my strategies:

1. Have a clearly defined vision

First you should think about what do you want your group to be like...

A place where people come and just spam their links... or a place where members have a real conversation and interact with each other, more than just "join my business" etc.

I recommend to have both... but you should always try to start a discussion and make your group the logical solution to a problem that people might have.

A group where members just spamming can grow very quickly and most of them will visit your group often...

But the problem is that most of them don't pay any attention to your posts!

Leading & growing a "non-spammy" group can be much more difficult... you have to stimulate activity in the group, ask questions (create surveys), share value and continue to supply fresh content on a regular basis.

You always want to make sure that your members keep returning and posting within the group so they might have a look at your new content.

2. Choose a catchy group name and use the right keywords

Without a memorable and catchy group name your group will probably fail right from the beginning.

You also have to use the right keywords related to your group topic or niche if you want your group to be found in the facebook search results.

Example: If you want to build a group that is related to PTC, you have to use keywords like: PTC, paid to click, clixsense, neobux etc. in your group name.

People will be able to find your group through the facebook search engine if they are searching for these keywords and your group will also appear at the recommended groups on the right side above the facebook advertisements.

Use at least 3-4 "search keywords" in your group name to get the best results.

3. Use tags and keywords in your group description

You can choose up to 3 different "tags" (under description at group settings) to let facebook know what your group is all about...

Here you can use tags like "paid to click", "make money online" or tag popular FB pages, interests etc.

4. Create a cool graphic/picture for your group header

Choose a nice image and add some text like your website adress, email, Twitter etc.

I use PhotoScape software to edit or create my images...

5. Leverage your friends and group members to grow

It can be hard to grow a big group fast without the help of other people.

Groups go viral because members invite their friends to join if they like your group.

Encourage your members to invite their friends in your post, group description and per private message directly when inviting them to your group.

It can be very useful to have 1 or more group partners (admin) so that they can also add their friends and help you to invite more members much quicker.

Find some good friends (not lazy ones) and make them a group admin too so you don't have to do all the work on your own.

You may also encourage your group members to help you and reward those who put in the most effort.

6. Advertise your group and make new friends at the same time

Post the link to your group in similar groups and invite members directly to join your group via private message. (not spamming on every post)

Simply 'like' other members posts and write them a private message, asking them to join your group so you can create new relationships at the same time and they will more likely have a look at your post in your own group.

Also promote the link to your group on other social media sites like Twitter or in Youtube videos etc... wherever you can.

You should advertise your group inside of other groups daily in the beginning and even if you have 3000-5000+ members... remember, getting more referrals is all about how many new relationships you create on the daily basis and not how often you post your link in these groups!

7. Use auto-post software

You may use an auto-post software to save time and post your group link into multiple groups faster...

8. Create an event every 1-4 weeks

Use Facebook events to invite all of your group members whenever you have something to share.

Don't just invite them to your referral link or they will probably ignore your events in the future!

By holding regular events you will make sure that your members keep returning and feel connected to your group.

I noticed that some members attended my events very late (after 3-4 weeks) so make sure you create your event early and give them enough time to attend.

You should also create a nice image (header pic) for your events and thank them for attending...

9. Create a survey

You have the option to create a survey and ask for your members opinion so you can make your group become a valuable resource and the logical solution to a problem that they might have.

Share value, motivate, support, like & share their posts and help those who have problems.

10. Double your growth

You can do this at the very beginning or later when you have 1000-2000 members. (better at the beginning)

Build another group or more (different name/keywords) and promote your new group within your old group to double your growth.

Invite your existing members to join your new group using an event and post the link in your group description as well.

I always invite people to at least 2 of my groups.

11. Get rid of spammers

Admonish or delete spammers to keep your group clean & on topic.

Decide who you are going to accept in your group and check out their profiles if necessary.

12. Create a fan page

You can also create a fan page for your group and advertise it there to get 'likes' and more viral growth.

Some people will find your page and might also join your group... these pages can rank very high in the Google search engines.

13. The Master strategy - Leverage other groups

Contact other group admins and ask them if they could place the link to your group in their group description, fix your post at the top (if they don't have a fixed post) or create an event to invite all of his members to your group.

Maybe they will do all of it or nothing at all... just ask politely!  ;)

14. Viral growth & FB domination

Create groups for other people and work together with them so you can advertise your group, blog or anything you like in their group description, header image or even in a fixed post if it's okay for them.

You should be able to help them grow and maintain their group by inviting your own group members and friends until their group starts to grow on its own as well.

Using the last 2 strategies will make you have your links all over the place and you can grow viral very fast.

Imagine you would have control over 20-100 partner groups...  :D

15. Capture leads and secure your group

As a real marketer you should always capture the email adress from your members to lead them into your 'sales funnel' where you can share more value and monetize those who are interested in what you have to offer. (+ invite them to your PTC)

Facebook could close down your group or your profile could be hacked at anytime and you would lose most of your contacts...

You should also create a second FB account and add yourself as a second admin in case you lose your first account.

The best way to capture their email adress is by having a link to your 'lead capture page' in a fixed post inside of your group and offer something of value so that they will enter their email adress on the page and you will be able to build your list and invite your subscribers to your PTC site.  :-bd

I hope this will help you to build your own FB group fast and get some more referrals for your PTC!  ::popcorn

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Re: How To Get Referrals for PTC Building FB Groups (Master Strategy)
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 06:12:04 AM »
I wanted to ask you, how do you leave your ref link on facebook. I have tried making a post and put the link there, but when you get to the ptc site, for ex. legacyclix, it does not show my username near the https of the site. I wonder when i do place my ref link on FB and people click, maybe they sign up without my ref because, that ptc does no allow linking from social sites? is that possible?

Also thanks for some of the advise described here, i learned a couple things for promoting on Fb.

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Re: How To Get Referrals for PTC Building FB Groups (Master Strategy)
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2014, 09:54:35 PM »
I wanted to ask you, how do you leave your ref link on facebook. I have tried making a post and put the link there, but when you get to the ptc site, for ex. legacyclix, it does not show my username near the https of the site. I wonder when i do place my ref link on FB and people click, maybe they sign up without my ref because, that ptc does no allow linking from social sites? is that possible?

Also thanks for some of the advise described here, i learned a couple things for promoting on Fb.
Then, promote your blog ( where your referral links ) in facebook instead.

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Re: How To Get Referrals for PTC Building FB Groups (Master Strategy)
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2014, 02:59:31 PM »
How To Get Referrals Building Facebook Groups

7. Use auto-post software

You may use an auto-post software to save time and post your group link into multiple groups faster...


11. Get rid of spammers

Admonish or delete spammers to keep your group clean & on topic.

WOW, a bit of a double standard there, don't you think?

So it is ok for you to auto-post your CRAPPY posts hyped up sales pitch... anywhere you want to in groups run by others but 'God forbide' someone do that to you...

me thinks someone has been imbibing a bit to much in the proverbial 'kool-aid'... it has given them a grossly inflated sense of self-worth...

but like I said that is just IMHO

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Re: How To Get Referrals for PTC Building FB Groups (Master Strategy)
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2014, 07:18:52 AM »
I wanted to ask you, how do you leave your ref link on facebook. I have tried making a post and put the link there, but when you get to the ptc site, for ex. legacyclix, it does not show my username near the https of the site. I wonder when i do place my ref link on FB and people click, maybe they sign up without my ref because, that ptc does no allow linking from social sites? is that possible?

Also thanks for some of the advise described here, i learned a couple things for promoting on Fb.

I don't think so.. but I agree with "Master-Mind". Create your own blog and you have no problems with facebook.

Some URL's are blocked by fb like neobux for example.

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Re: How To Get Referrals for PTC Building FB Groups (Master Strategy)
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2014, 07:37:55 AM »


WOW, a bit of a double standard there, don't you think?

So it is ok for you to auto-post your CRAPPY posts hyped up sales pitch... anywhere you want to in groups run by others but 'God forbide' someone do that to you...

me thinks someone has been imbibing a bit to much in the proverbial 'kool-aid'... it has given them a grossly inflated sense of self-worth...

but like I said that is just IMHO

I'm not talking about using the software to post sales pitches and by spammers I mean fake accounts and people who are posting all kind of BS that is not related to the groups topic.


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