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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>When is a PTC not a PTC?</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=unicode"><meta name="description" content="When PTC does not mean Paid To Click but Pays The Customer. That is when a PTC is not a PTC. At fjPTC you are a customer and we all know the customer is always right."><meta name="keywords" content="PTC, Paid To, click, earn, income, task, member, marketplace, membership, lifetime"><meta content="FJ World Inc" name="author"></head><body><?php include("updatestats.php"); $ref = $_GET['ref'];?> <div align="center"> <a href="http://www.fjptc.com/index.php?view=join&ref=<?php echo $ref; ?>" target="_blank" title="Try it for FREE!"> <img src="images/splash1.jpg" border="0" alt="FJ Pays The Customer (fjPTC)" /> </a> <br /><br /></div><div align="center"><div ><br /><script type="text/javascript" src="http://adhitzads.com/17450"></script></div></div> </body></html>
<?phpinclude("../config.php");include("../includes/mysql.php");$Db1 = new DB_sql;$Db1->connect($DBHost, $DBDatabase, $DBUser, $DBPassword);$today_date=date("d/m/y");$sql=$Db1->query("SELECT id FROM stats WHERE date='$today_date'");if($Db1->num_rows() == 0) { $sql-$Db1->query("INSERT INTO stats SET date='$today_date'");}$sql=$Db1->query("UPDATE stats SET hits=hits+1 WHERE date='$today_date'");$sql=$Db1->query("SELECT * FROM dailyhits WHERE `ip`='$vip'");if($Db1->num_rows() == 0) { $unique=1; $Db1->query("UPDATE stats SET unhits=unhits+1 WHERE date='$today_date'"); $Db1->query("INSERT INTO dailyhits SET `ip`='$vip', ref='$ref'");} ?>
my script dont have include("updatestats.php"); Where can I download it?
This is the new code i'm using for splashpage but when I click on images the username is removed.<a href="http://www.clix-ptc.com/index.php?ref=<?php echo $ref?>"><img src="http://www.clix-ptc.com/banners/splash.png" border="0" style="border:none;" alt="Join Clix-PTC"></a></a>
<?php echo $ref; ?>